The Story-Makers to Somewhere

“Cheshire-Cat, would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where—“ said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat
“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation.
“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.”

Yet another one of my favorite conversations in this wacky book… I love the perspective here and it is something that I’ve been learning about since the day I got My Call. So often we (read also: the ‘old Amber’) are focused so much on the place we want to be. We are encouraged to see ourselves in that place and then we are to use that vision to motivate ourselves to do what it takes to get there. Of course, this in and of itself, isn’t necessarily off base and I think there is a lot of merit to this skill and practice, one surely that we can strategically leverage often. What I think is sometimes missed, though, is the value that the story is written also in the steps taken. But don’t confuse that sentence to mean just the step itself, but all of the collateral that goes with each step. 

Let me share an example: There was a time where it felt annoying to have to stop what I was doing to eat. Or go pick up my kids from school. Or answer the unplanned phone call. Those things took me out of my groove, they interrupted my flow. Not necessarily the feeling I got from being full or having my kids home, it was more the action in getting to that “destination” that was annoying… And that, therein, lies my point. 

Now, because I am learning to value the steps and the collateral that comes with each one, this is how the story goes: Pausing what I’m doing to walk downstairs and put together lunch for myself also means my husband joining me, conversation while we put together our salads, sitting at the table taking time away from our to-do lists to eat together. Deciding maybe then to take a quick walk around the block with the dog. Talking about a family text that just came in about something tough another family member is going through. Making date night plans. Deciding next steps for our daughter’s college endeavors. Living life. Doing life. 

Or what about this one: Pausing what I’m doing to go get in the car to get my kid from school. Driving the same route each day. Or maybe this day I’ll take a new one, I have plenty of options. Do I want to listen to music? What kind? Do I want to be in the quiet and the space that driving provides? Do I see an accident on the way and can pray for those involved? Each stoplight can bring a new reminder to SLOW DOWN and live IN not just AT. And of course, once I have my kiddo in the car, we get to connect for a bit, just she and I. 

And yet another example: I’m just sitting down to finally get to do something I’ve wanted to do all day and my phone rings. It’s a friend who, sure, I could call her back later, but I could also answer now. Because that’s a part of the story, too. And what I was going to do will still be there after we hang up. 

Do you see my point? We do the little things without thought and just get them done so we can do the bigger things because those are what matter. But I’d like to challenge us to think different. To allow all those little things to be just as vital (if not more) to the story. It’s easy to live on the surface, skimming by ‘Now’ because we think ‘Where We Get To Go’ is where we actually want to ‘Be.’ But, let’s take a lesson from Alice – Since ‘Somewhere’ is certain to come, don’t miss the individual ‘Steps’ (Story-Makers) along the way.

Hold Us Close :: May 14, 2018

My heart is so low tonight. I am hurting. My family is tired. My friends are struggling with their own hard things……. 

This side of heaven is definitely a practice of living in the unknown, seeking the lessons in the waiting, trusting resilience, believing for good and holding hope.

Lord Jesus, meet us in those places and hold us close. Even when we want to push You away.

Life Before :: May 14, 2019

I’m trying to focus on what I’m grateful for because I’m pretty down about a lot of other things. 

Keeping cancer away is hard work – dealing on a daily basis with awful side effects while also trying not to let them overtake me is rough. Maintaining a positive attitude while remaining authentic is difficult. Showing up when cancer wipes me out is challenging. Dealing with brain fog and having to remain present and productive is maddeningly hard. 

And I thought life before cancer was tough……………………

No Post for 5/14/20

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